You have good linework man, but the gradients show. They just don't look good and really dull out the character.
You have good linework man, but the gradients show. They just don't look good and really dull out the character.
I'm enraged and mislead. I was expecting a tribute to gay day
five stars because I'm being ironic and I actually hate you
Umm... All right, but thanks for the stars!
crap I accidentally voted 5 instead of 5.
An masterpiece. I would have proudly scouted you the instant I saw this.
Think you can do so again?
This is really great, three big dumps in one. The breasts are well done and very realistic.
Just propose to me already.
I know you've fallen for me, but the fifth grader approach isn't that effective as you might think... Sucks, huh?
This picture here.
Somehow. Somehow it captivates me.
plz b0ss
Joined on 8/15/12